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About Tswhane Prepaid

Power outages are bad enough when Eskom or your local municipality is at fault, but being left in the dark because you forgot to buy a prepaid voucher is most definitely adding insult to injury

Are daunted by the thought of tracking down an outlet that sells prepaid electricity vouchers and drawing cash to do the purchase.

Fortunately you can buy prepaid electricity direct from Tshwane prepaid nationwide. It’s safe and convenient with only doing a EFT – at no additional cost to you!

A Prepaid electricity token is available within 2 to 5 minutes after you did a EFT. If you have any problems, challenges or do not receive your voucher/pin in 15 minutes, please contact us on 012 358 9999

www.tshwaneprepaid.co.za was founded to provide the consumer with easy access to prepaid electricity. It has grown to a successful platform with online users making daily use of our online prepaid electricity service.

Here at www.tshwaneprepaid.co.za we are committed to provide safe, secure and efficient service. We are here to make your prepaid electricity experience as pleasant as possible. You can be sure that our friendly trained support team is always keeping your best interest at heart.

There are very few shops that will allow you to come in, take the products you need and pay for it the following month. A petrol station won’t let you fill your tank with petrol and only pay for it some two or three months later.

Yet this is exactly predominantly how the electricity industry currently works.

You consume electricity, a meter reader is sent to inspect your meter and the utility sends you an account for your usage. Consumers only know how much electricity they have used, once they have used it and received a bill. For utilities the challenge is getting the consumer to pay for the electricity they have already used. It’s a vicious cycle.

Now is the time to break the cycle, with a simple yet effective solution – prepaid electricity!

By using prepaid electricity, customers pay for their electricity upfront, before they use it. The benefit prepaid electricity is that you don’t have any surprise bills at the end of the month and can budget for your electricity accordingly.

For utilities, the greatest benefit of prepaid electricity is that the electricity is paid upfront. By improving revenue collection, utility’s are able to expand the electricity service to new consumers, upgrade their existing network and generally improve the service offered to all users.

An added benefit for both parties is that through the use of prepaid electricity, electricity consumption is reduced, sometimes by over 20%, as users become more aware of the cost to keep non-essential appliances running.

Prepaid electricity is not a quick, short term solution. It is a strategic and fundamental change to the business of electricity, which reaps huge returns when implemented correctly

Prepaid electricity understands and embraces new technologies which continue to ensure that customers always enjoy the greatest convenience. An example is the ability to purchase your pre-paid electricity through your cell phone or the internet.

How does it work?

  • A Tshwane prepaid electricity meter is installed in the consumers premises
  • The consumer purchases a token (a voucher for Tshwane prepaid electricity) from the utility and enters this into their meter
  • The Tshwane prepaid electricity supply is activated when the meter is loaded with credit
  • As the consumer uses prepaid electricity, the credit in the meter decreases
  • When the credit gets low, the consumer simply purchases a new token and receives more prepaid electricity
  • Should the consumer not purchase a new token, the electricity supply is suspended until a new token is put into the meter

Meter installations are only done through your municipality. Please contact the prepaid department at your municipality.

The costs for the installation of a Prepaid meter vary depending on your Municipality.

Process that will be followed

  • The Conventional meter will be replaced with a Pre Paid meter.
  • You’ll receive a Keypad that can be plugged into any three point plug in your house.
  • A card will be provided with your Prepaid meter number on to purchase power.
  • You’ll receive a token number which consists of 20 digits which must be entered into the Keypad.
  • The Keypad will indicate the units after you have entered the token number.

Why should you change to Tswhane Prepaid power?

  • Owners save on electricity.
  • No electricity bills any more.
  • You control your own prepaid electricity.
  • You can buy your own prepaid electricity whenever you like and as much as you like.
  • Problems with wrong meter readings disappear.
  • Peace of mind!!