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Private Properties converting to Tshwane prepaid

Installing a Tshwane prepaid meter is quick and easy and is a great way to start saving on your electricity consumption.

Where to apply

  • Mamelodi Municipal Offices – 012 805 2044
  • Eersterus Municipal Offices – 012 806 6241
  • BKS, Room 102, Pts CBD; 373 Pretorius Street – 012 358 4401/4151
  • Centurion Municipal offices counter 9 – 012 358 9077
  • Atteridgeville Electricity Depot – 012 373 6287
  • Roslyn Offices – 012 358 9411
  • Akasia Offices – 012 358 4424

How much does it cost?

The total cost of the Tshwane prepaid can be obtained from The City of Tshwane at 012 358 9999

The amount includes:

  • Prepaid meter application at City of Tshwane.
  • The prepaid electricity meter.
  • Installation of prepaid meter by contractors of the City of Tshwane.
  • Installation of prepaid meter time will be determent by The City council and will be subject to the availability of meters and contractors.

Requirements for application:

  • A copy of the owner’s ID document.
  • A copy of the latest electricity bill. (both pages)
  • A copy of the latest electricity bill payment.
  • NB All your contact details.

Process that will be followed:

  • The conventional meter will be replaced with a Tshwane prepaid meter.
  • You’ll receive a keypad that can be plugged into any three point plug in your house.
  • A card will be provided with which to buy power.
  • You’ll receive a token number which must be entered into your keypad.
  • The keypad will indicate the units after you have entered in the token number.

Where do I buy Tshwane prepaid electricity?

  • Internet with Tshwane Prepaid, bank and ATM.
  • Shops and 24 hour filling stations.
  • City of Tshwane municipality.

Conditions for applying

your municipal account should not be arrears if in arrears, settle your account or make arrangement to pay-off your bill

Three phase connections should be referred to Inspectorate Section of Energy & Electricity Division